We are delighted to inform you that our school is now moving on from traditional spelling books and onto the revolutionary Spellings for Me interactive programme. Everything in this programme is individualised for your child- essentially a tailor-made spelling programme. Your child’s spellings will be solely based on the words that they do not know how to spell, based at their own level. No two children will have the same spellings, as no two children are the same.
Spellings for Me incorporates meaningful, enjoyable activities for your child, that are proven to improve children’s spellings. Spellings for Me embraces continuous learning and continuous assessment throughout your child’s whole spelling journey through primary school.
If you would like to see their progress, you can log into their own profile. Here you will see:
(i) What level your child is on by seeing how many yellow ticks he/she has.
(ii) How many words he/she already knew how to spell by looking at the ‘Certificates’ section.
(iii) How many words they have ‘mastered’. Mastered words are words that the child has spelled wrong but has since learned them and spelled them correctly on the online test. You can view how many Mastered Words he/she has in the ‘Certificates’ section.
Children can be retested again and again on these words to make sure they really know them. Your child will earn certificates, which are also available on their profile. This is a great way to celebrate their achievements at their own level.
If you want to learn more about Spellings for Me, you can visit their website www.spellingsforme.ie. Here there are an abundance of videos and information explaining the programme. They also have a downloadable ‘Parent Guide’ to help you support your child in spellings. At long last, we have a totally meaningful way of teaching spellings. Spellings for Me will revolutionise the way children learn spellings and what’s more, they will have fun!
Instructions on how to log in
Option 1: 1. Go to www.spellingsforme.ie
- Click ‘Login’
- Change your URL by clicking ‘ change’
- Type in your school personal URL (ours is lisnagryns)
- Click ‘save’
- Enter your username and password
Our personal school link to Spellings for Me is:
With this link you only need to enter your child’s username and password.