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Peace Proms
Peace Proms is a choral education program for primary schools, which impacts 20,000 children from different social, economic, cultural, religious and political backgrounds from all over Ireland – North and South.
Together with the Cross Border Orchestra of Ireland, one of Ireland’s foremost youth orchestras, inspirational choral and musical concerts are held each year in venues such as the UL. Our pupils in Lisnagry really enjoyed participating in the Peace Proms,and hopes to continue to spread the message of universal peace through the medium of music again in the future.

Music Generation
We are delighted that Lisnagry has been chosen to continue to be part of the Music Generation Programme in Limerick. So many of our children are benefiting so richly from this programme and the top class tutors who are working with them.
Music Generation Limerick is a music education service for children and young people that provides a range of opportunities throughout the county for children and young people to learn music. It is part of Music Generation – Ireland’s National Music Education Programme, initiated by Music Network, co-funded by U2, The Ireland Funds, the Department of Education and Skills and Local Music Education Partnerships.
As with all aspects of the Limerick Voices programme the focus is on creativity, self-expression and skills building.
Across last term we had 4 visits to the school and the tutors developed the core skills of pitch and rhythm and explored different genres (Jazz, Irish and Rap). We also had a band visit the school.
The pupils will also create their own unique piece of music, working with the musician in conjunction with the teacher. This will involve all stages of composition – initial concepts, content, instrument options, arrangement and performance.
The end point for this process will be a large combined event at Thomond Park.
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