Third-class-2013-2014Class Teacher:

Ms. McInerney


Class News:


Welcome to the Rang 3 web page

Here are some of our learning experiences.

Visual Arts: 

  We discovered what it’s like to draw with charcoal. It’s smudgy , dusty, dirty, messy and it can break easily if you lean hard on it.  Such fun !


 We were so lucky to be picked to paint the mural on the wall of the shed with Daithí’s mom, Niamh. She listened to all our ideas and drawing examples and we decided what it should be about. Then Niamh drew it on the wall with the right measurements and then we painted it in.







We carried out an experiment to investigate how air behaves under pressure: We placed ordinary birthday balloons under a table and one by one 12 children stood on top. We saw the balloons get squashed under all the weight and eventually they popped. We never guessed it would happen like that.




  We built circuits to light bulbs, turn on fans and buzzers. Everything has to be connected the right way the whole way around or it won’t work. Sometimes the battery isn’t working or the clips aren’t on right.



 We investigated magnetism with different kinds of magnets. We built towers that were very strong. They never fell over because the magnets kept the pieces stuck together in place. We played trick games. You move the magnetic paper clips around through the maze with a magnet under the table.


We also put a hyacinth in the top of a glass jar nearly full with water. Laura told us to put it in the dark in the press. When it’s Hallowe’en we’ll check how it’s getting on. We think the roots will sense where the water is and grow down for it. Then we think the rest of it will grow up into a plant. It looked like a kind of onion.

We made our own fabric designs on our ‘Trick or Treat’ bags.


We went on an observation trail around the school to look for different shapes, patterns and textures in the school buildings and in nature to help us be better artists.

Electricity without batteries or wires !

We discovered how to make static electricity by rubbing balloons with other materials. The balloons made our hair look really freaky !

Also if you talk into a balloon it changes how your voice sounds.
