Limerick City Primary School’s Athletics 2016
Well done to all our boys and girls who participated [...]
Well done to all our boys and girls who participated [...]
On Wednesday 18th May the children in first class visited [...]
We are calling on the whole school community to support [...]
March 13th 2016 was a special day for the boys [...]
Below are some videos of our ceolcoirm for seachtain na [...]
Eileen Cunningham, the Road Safety Promotion Officier with the RSA [...]
We had a wonderful day in Lisnagry on March 15th, [...]
Allianz Cumann na mBunscol-Indoor Camogie: Limerick Final 2016 Congratulations to [...]
Our most recent Newsletter is now available to download in [...]
This year we are focusing on developing Gaeilge in our [...]