History of Lisnagry National School

In 2005, the school was extended further. The extension consisted of four new classrooms, an all purpose room, computer room, gym and storerooms. Finally in 2010, one more classroom was build and two more in 2017. Owing to the efforts of parents, staff and the Board of Management, the present school boasts the most modern facilities with spacious classrooms, up to date equipment and an all weather playground.
How did Lisnagry get its name?

Our school aims to provide each child with a balanced education to enable each child to develop his/her skills to live a full and happy life as a child.
This is provided in a caring and kind environment where each child learns to treat each other with charity, justice, truth, patience and love.
The school provides a Catholic and Christian education for each child while it recognises and respects other faiths and religions.
Our school recognises the children of our Irish culture and incorporates music, language, sport, dancing and customs into each child’s education.
To provide each child with the best possible education in their formative years.
To equip each child to avail of further education and instil a love of learning that will remain with the children for life.
A respect for each other and their teachers.
A willing attitude to their work.
And as they grow through our school teach them spiritual and moral values, which will remain with them to maturity.
The school values the contribution of parents, guardians and the outside community in the development of the school and values the input of outside agencies such as psychologists, social workers, gardai, doctors and nurses etc. in caring for all children.
The school values the knowledge of history, geography (local, national and international), music, singing, art, design and craft making.
The school places emphasis on the development of skills in our national games of hurling and football as well as a wide range of other sports including basketball, swimming, athletics and soccer.