Gaelbhratach is a scheme which supports and encourages schools in their efforts to promote the Irish language. The scheme is open to schools at both primary and secondary level. Schools are awarded the Gaelbhratach upon successful completion of a variety of targets. The primary aim of the scheme is to create and encourage a culture of speaking Irish informally within the school community and beyond.
Tá an scoil ar fad ag obair go dian chun ár nGaeilge a fheabhsú. Is scéim scoile í Gaelbhratach atá dírithe ar scoileanna ina múintear trí mheán an Bhéarla chun labhairt na Gaeilge a chur chun cinn. Beidh a lán rudaí ag tarlú ar scoil i mbliana agus táimid tiomanta do chaighdeán Ghaeilge labhartha phobal na scoile a fheabhsú agus a spreagadh.
The whole school community is working hard to improve our Irish. Gaelbhratach is a scheme for primary schools that teach through English. Its aim is to promote Gaeilge in these schools. A lot of activities happen in Scoil Lios na Groi and we are committed to motivating and improving the spoken Gaeilge of the school community
Coiste Gaeilge – 2024/2025
To help lead the school in achieving its targets, some Gaeilge representatives were selected from each class
Currently we have students and teachers on the ‘Coiste’ and hopefully one or two members of our wider school community will be happy to come on board and work with us also. The first goal of the ‘Coiste’ is to work on creating a Gaeilge Zone or ‘Zón Gaeilge’ in the school and to display lots of Gaeilge phrases and vocabulary in our school environment.
We also will aim to organise one or two events this year for the Parents of our school, to give everyone a chance to use the Gaeilge that they have in a supportive environment. Between now and then if you are interested in starting to use some phrases at home, please find attached a lovely book from Gaeloideachais. It is a wonderful resource with beautiful Gaeilge and lots of lovely phrases that you could use at home.
The below are the current Gaeilge Committee representatives:

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