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Digital School of Distinction Award

- Digital School of Distinction Award for Lisnagry National School
ICT Success @ Lisnagry National School
The Digital School of Distinction Award was launched by Minister Ruairí Quinn in September 2013. It promotes excellence in the use of technology in the field of education and supports those involved in those efforts.
Over recent years we have invested heavily in technology and this award is recognition of all the work being done, in the areas of professional development, communication, recording attendance and managing the school library system. We have embraced technology here in Lisnagry. You can follow us on our school website and our Facebook page.
The Digital Schools of Distinction Award is a flagship programme to promote and acknowledge best practice in the use of ICT. It recognises primary schools who deliver the best educational experience of their pupils through information and computer technology. The award is promoted by the Department of Education and Skills and has been sponsored by Microsoft and Hewlett Packard.
On May 15th , we were delighted to hear that Lisnagry N.S. has achieved the Digital Schools of Distinction Award.
Our school underwent a rigorous application process to achieve the prestigious award
‘In order to ensure that the best possible use is made of the technology at the school we drew up a comprehensive eLearning Plan.
‘This eLearning Plan outlines priorities, targets, tasks and timeframes for the help the school achieve its ambitious ICT aims and objectives. Learning opportunities have been identified for each class group to ensure that digital learning continues progressively throughout each pupil’s time at the school.’
A new ICT policy was ratified by Lisnagry school’s Board of Management. The Board also ratified a comprehensive review of the Acceptable Use Policy in the school.
Teachers and pupils are using technology in a wide variety of ways within the school. Each class has an interactive whiteboard with access to the internet which opens up a wealth of resources and applications. In addition, an extensive range of software programmes is available in the computer lab for the children to use and develop their ICT skills. We also have a class set of laptops which each child gets to use.
The school was inspected by a Digital Schools of Distinction validator approved by the Department of Education. The validator then submitted a report to the Digital Schools of Distinction committee for review, after which, the school was awarded the title of Digital School of Distinction. The five criteria we were evaluated on in order to become a Digital Schools of Distinction were:leadership and vision, ICT integration in the curriculum,school ICT culture,continuing professional development,and resources and infrastructure.
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